Maxuum III Digital Electronic Indicator 2239028 Rev D
NOTE: Auto Zero must not be used when calibrating. Any off-
set due to the use of Auto Zero, will be reflected in calibration
accuracy. The indicator must be in TSP mode.
5.4.1 Resetting Digital Gain
Use a heavy-duty comparator stand with fine adjustment and
two gage blocks as listed in the table on page 36. This proce-
dure uses gage blocks that are 75% of the indicator’s full scale.
The Calibration Mode is selected outside the Setup Mode.
Make sure that the indicator has an on-scale reading through-
out this entire procedure.
Put the indicator into its Standard Mode (if previously in
its Enhanced Mode).
Once in Standard Mode, press and release the True
Spindle Position
button to put the unit in TSP (True
Spindle Position) mode.
Press and hold the TIR
button until the text CAL
shows on the digital display. The CAL text will show for
a few seconds before returning to a live display.
The reverse fan display indicates the digital POT position. If
needed, the POT may be reset to its center position by a press
and release of the zero reset button
Once there is a live display, place the Zero size gage
block under the measuring spindle and adjust compara-
tor stand until the digital readout reads exactly zero.
not use Auto-Zero
if gain adjustment doesn’t change, press the RESET
button to set the digital potentiometer to center.
Remove the Zero gage block and replace it with the
second gage block. observe the digital readout. If neces-
sary, use the Decrement and Increment Cal Position but-
until the digital readout agrees exactly with
the reading listed in the table on page 36.
Remove the second gage block and replace it with the
Zero block. The digital readout should read exactly zero.
If not, repeat steps 3 through 5.
After setting gain, exit the calibration mode with a quick
press and release of the TSP/Mode button
. The
indicator returns to its Standard Operating Mode in the
TSP Mode.