Service Mode
To remove the sliding plates, the hydraulic cylinders must be pressure relieved. To
do this, a Service mode was integrated. When this mode is enabled, only the
valves are driven as in the normal operating mode. The hydraulic pump remains
Enable Service Mode
Cable hand lamp: Push and hold rocker buttons A and B together for
10 seconds. The pump switches off. (Simultaneous actuation of A1 and B1 or
A2 and B2).
Once the second button is detected, the valves are switched off. The pump
remains ON until 10 seconds have elapsed. The plates remain in their last posi-
Radio hand lamp: Set to mode LED ON (Manual operating button). To enable
the Service mode, push and hold the operating button for 25 seconds.
During this time period, the valve is ON and the pump is also ON. After
25 seconds the pump switches OFF. The valve remains ON.
Function while Service Mode is Enabled
When in the Service mode, the valves of the corresponding moving directions can
be driven using the operating buttons, and the plates can be moved by hand.
On the MAH CAN RP circuit board the Service mode is indicated by the yellow
LED of VD20.
Quit Service Mode
Cable hand lamp: Push and hold rocker buttons A and B together for
10 seconds. The output for the pump switches ON and the Service mode is
Radio hand lamp: Set to mode LED ON. Push and hold the operating button
for 25 seconds to quit the Service mode. After 25 seconds the pump switches
Alternatively, the Service mode can be quit by switching off the power supply.
Operating Diagrams
See Annex.