Main Switch
The main switch is used as emergency switch. In case of emergency immediately
turn it to position 0!
Main switch in position 0
Lift is disconnected from power supply
Main switch in position 1
Lift is ready for operation
Preparing for Operation
Examine the danger zone and ensure that warnings are legible. Damaged or illegi-
ble warnings and markings must be replaced immediately.
When operating an axle play detector in a mobile test lane, it must be ensured that
all the hydraulic components’ covers are fitted and do not show any signs of
damage that would restrict functionality or signs of poor attachment.
If light conditions vary a great deal between test objects and peripherals (e.g.
when used in mobile test lanes outdoors), sufficient lighting or glare protection
must be provided.
A sufficiently ergonomic positioning option must be provided for performing the
test (particularly for vehicle testing in mobile test lanes).
Test plates must not be walked on, even when not in use. There is a risk of fall-
ing due to unexpected test plate movements. There is a risk of slipping due to
water or ice on the test plates.
During operation avoid lateral shifting of the vehicle on the test plates and con-
tinually monitor the position of both wheels on the test plates. Should the
wheels move close to the edge of the test plates, stop the test immediately and
reposition the vehicle.