System control via GPRS-channel
1. Do the programming your phone number, as the first number for the SMS-
messages in system (cell 4 in voice menu – programming mode).
2. Activate GPRS-packet of data transmission on the system's card.
If Access Point Name (APN) to the Internet differs from
- send
to the system's number SMS:
1111 SET APN www…
– new Access Point
Name (APN) of your GSM operator, and where
– a personal code of the system
4. Send to the system's number SMS:
1111 SET KEY 1234
– a personal
code of the system;
– a random encryption key (Think of yourself up to 6 digits).
5. Send to the system's number SMS:
1111 GPRS ON
, where
– a personal code
of the system.
6. Go from your smartphone on
the Play Market or App Store
, install and run the
MAGNUM GSM car alarm system
7. Add car with mandatory input of IMEI and private key encryption, corresponding
to sent in the SMS:
1111 SET KEY 1234.
IMEI system can be obtained by requesting the
service message. To do this, call to the system number, enter a personal code and press the
number “6”. After a time you will receive a SMS containing a 15-digit IMEI code system
The system confirms acceptance and implementation of correct SMS-
commands by applying two short sound signals.
Software update
1. Do the programming your phone number, as the first number for the SMS-
messages in system (cell 4 in voice menu – programming mode).
2. Activate GPRS-packet of data transmission on the system's card.
3. If Access Point Name (APN) to the Internet differs from
- send
to the system's number SMS:
1111 SET APN www…
– new Access Point
Name (APN) of your GSM operator, and where
– a personal code of the system
4. If the system has not yet been activated GPRS-channel – send to the phone number
of the system SMS:
1111 GPRS ON
, where
– personal code of the system.
5. Disarm the system and cancel the automatic recovery of security.
6. Exit the programming and remote control mode.
7. Send to the system's number SMS:
1111 UPDATE d26
, where
– software ver-
a nd where
– a personal code of the system. Information on the current software
version can be found at:
8. The system will give a short sound signal - beginning of the firmware upgrade.
9. During upgrade (approximately 90 seconds) is necessary to ensure a reliable and
stable power of the system and does not produce any actions with it - the system will give
two short sound signals after completion of upgrade.
Note 1:
If during the upgrade occur any failure - the system will give 5 short sound
signals, rollback to the previous firmware and send a message to the first SMS-number.
Note 2:
Upgrading within the same version (d1 → d2 → d9 ...) occurs with saving
all settings and can be done on the installed system.
Note 3:
Upgrading to a new version of firmware with a change in the name of the
letter (d32 → e1) occurs with a full reset to factory settings.
Note 4:
If GPRS-channel will not be used for system control - it is recommended to
send to the system's number SMS:
1111 GPRS OFF.
Complete set of Magnum M880 system
1. Central unit of Magnum M880 ...................................................................... 1 pcs.
2. Remote key fobs ........................................................................................... 2 pcs.
3. Main wiring harness, 24 wires, 1500 mm ...................................................... 1 pcs.
4. Wiring harness of engine starting, 6 wires, 1500 mm..................................... 1 pcs.
5. LED indicator with a cable 1400 mm ............................................................ 1 pcs.
6. GSM-antenna with a cable 2000 mm ............................................................. 1 pcs.
7. Microphone with a cable 1500 mm ............................................................... 1 pcs.
8. Temperature sensor with a cable 2000 mm .................................................... 1 pcs.
9. Operating manual of Magnum M880............................................................. 1 pcs.
10. Installation Guide of Magnum M880............................................................. 1 pcs.
11. Packaging ...................................................................................................... 1 pcs.
*manufacturer reserves the right to make changes to the component parts of product