Introduction .......................................................................................... 2
Main system functions .......................................................................... 2
Access to control of the security system ............................................... 4
Arming via a remote key fob ................................................................ 4
Delayed arming of the system ............................................................... 5
Arming via a phone .............................................................................. 6
Arming of the vehicle with a turbine ..................................................... 6
Automatic engine blocking ................................................................... 7
Auto-Arming ........................................................................................ 7
Emergency arming ............................................................................... 7
Armed Mode ........................................................................................ 8
Disarming via a remote key fob ............................................................ 9
Disarming via a phone .........................................................................10
Emergency disarming the system .........................................................10
Entering a personal code ......................................................................10
Code unblocking of the engine ............................................................11
Control with the ignition on....................................................................11
Automatic control of the central door locking ......................................11
Protection against forcible theft ...........................................................12
Reservation of the engine starting .......................................................13
Engine starting via a remote key fob ....................................................14
Engine starting via a phone ..................................................................14
Automatic engine starting ....................................................................15
Security with the engine running .........................................................16
System control via a remote key fob ......................................................17
"Search" and "Alarm" modes ...............................................................18
Service mode of system operation .......................................................18
Automatic transmission of voice and SMS messages via GSM ...........19
Remote control of system state ............................................................20
System control via a phone ....................................................................20
Programming of the system's GSM-module .........................................21
Adjustment of sensor sensitivity ..........................................................21
System control via GPRS-channel .......................................................23
Software update via GPRS ..................................................................23
Complete set of Magnum M880 system ...............................................24
Terms of warranty ...............................................................................25
Warranty obligations ...........................................................................26
Vehicle security system is a complex technical device that requires special
knowledge and experience in conducting of installation work.
Incompetent and unqualified actions may lead to failure of the security system and
serious damages to electrical equipment.
Before installing and using the system, please read the user manual.
When reading this manual, pay special attention to the programmable functions and
parameters of the security system - for preliminary consideration their feasibility with the
To ensure the efficiency of functions described in this guide, the installer will have to
not only to produce programming of their basic parameters, but also to ensure their hard-
ware implementation on the vehicle.
Main system functions
Security system control
Powerful dynamic code with protection against interception and scanning ProLock
System control via the remote key fobs
Possibility of simultaneously programming up to eight remote key fobs
System control via a mobile phone by GSM-channel
System control via a smartphone by GPRS-channel
Control of basic system settings by GPRS-channel
Possibility of direct control from the registered phones
Possible ban on control from the unregistered phones
Emergency arming without the remote key fob
Emergency disarming without the remote key fobs
Programming by a personal computer (USB
Software update by GPRS-channel
Universal automatic CAN-adapter (optional)
Alert and informing functions
Alert the people around about triggering of sensors warning zones
Alert the owner about triggering of system security zones
Alert the owner about failure of GSM-channel control (optional)
Alert the owner about discharge and disconnection of the storage battery
Alert the owner about disarming via a short call
Alert the owner about attempts entering the code from the "foreign" phone
Alert about the critical remaining balance on the system SIM card
Position finding of the vehicle via USSD-service (GSM operator`s optional)
Position location of the vehicle via GPS-module (optional)
Memory of sensor activation for the entire security period