Damping Filter is a feature of the AI block. PV_FTIME
parameter is time constant of a single exponential filter for
the PV, in seconds. This parameter can be used to dampen
out fluctuation in level due to excessive turbulence.
The AI block has multiple ALARM functions that monitor
the OUT parameter for out of bound conditions.
4.5.2 Local display of analog input transducer Block output
incorporates a feature that allows the device’s Analog Input
[AI] block Out value to be displayed on the local LCD.
NOTE: There are many reasons that AI block Out value can deviate
from the measurement value originating in the Transducer
block, and because the keypad and local display will only pro-
vide access to Transducer block parameters, there is no way to
explore or change the other fieldbus configuration items affect-
ing the AI block output using the keypad and LCD.
This screen should only be considered as a measured value
indicator for configured transmitters.
• The screen is not used for commissioning or diagnostic /
troubleshooting purposes.
• Prior to full fieldbus configuration (transmitter assigned a per-
manent address, AI block configured and scheduled for execu-
tion, etc.), the value displayed will not reflect the transducer
measurement. (Pre-configuration value will typically be 0). AI Out Display Screen
The Analog Input Out value will be conditionally displayed
as part of the “rotating” home menu screens.
The Out value will be displayed subject to limitations nec-
essary for a 6-character display [999999 > Value > -99999].
48-640 E3 Modulevel
Displacer Level Transmitter - F
Figure 16
analog input out display
Out Value
Out Scale units