48-640 E3 Modulevel
Displacer Level Transmitter - F
8.2.3 interface
E3 MODULEVEL is capable of tracking the interface level
of two immiscible liquids with different densities. The unit
is equipped with a specially designed displacer which allows
it to detect the position of a clean interface or an emulsion
layer and convert it into a stable output value.
8.2.4 density
Yet another capability of E3 MODULEVEL is to track the
changing density of a liquid over a known density range and
convert that into a stable output value. As the density of the
liquid changes, so does the mass of the liquid displaced by
the specially designed displacer. The resulting change in
buoyancy force on the displacer causes the movement of the
LVDT core necessary to convert the density change to an
output value.
The E3 MODULEVEL displacer transmitter is designed,
engineered and constructed for trouble-free operation over a
wide range of operating and application conditions. Below,
common transmitter problems are discussed in terms of
their symptoms and corrective actions.
Explosion hazard. Do not remove covers unless power
has been switched off or the area is known to be non-