1-800-MAGLINE (624-5463)
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General Battery Warnings:
• Do not connect accessories to the battery; this will cause
premature battery failure or possible damage to the
Unauthorized modification could create a hazardous
condition and result in serious injury.
• Batteries contain acid, which can burn eyes, skin,
clothes, etc. Use caution! Always wear gloves when
working with batteries. If contact occurs, flush
immediately with water and get medical attention.
Protect surfaces from battery damage by placing
batteries on rubber or plastic surfaces.
• To prevent electrical shock, do not touch non-insulated
parts of the charger output connectors, battery
connectors or battery terminals. Do not use connectors
that are cracked, corroded, or do not make adequate
electrical contact. Use of damaged or defective
connectors could result in fire or electrical shock.
Keep sparks, flame and smoking materials away from
• Batteries can supply a large amount of current. Do not wear jewelry or watches when working on
the batteries as an accidental shorting could occur and cause severe burning.
Only qualified technicians should service your Magliner CooLift power supply system.
• Disconnect the batteries by unplugging the main wiring harness at the control board before
attempting to replace any electrical components.
• Only use authorized Magliner CooLift replacement parts.
Battery Life
The Magliner CooLift is powered by two 12-volt storage batteries. The lift and propulsion motors
draw current from the batteries based on the amount of effort required to meet load being lifted.
Testing and research has been done to ensure a fully-charged battery will allow the user to go
through two days of single-shift operation without recharging the system. This amounts to a total of
over 500 lift cycles and traveling 3 miles with propulsions. However, extreme temperature ranges
and extreme loads can have an effect on the amount of power available during one charging cycle.
NOTE: The battery must be charged within 3 months of storage to prevent self-discharge. If the
battery is not charged within 3 months of storage, permanent loss of capacity may occur.
If the CooLift will be used regularly, it is recommended that the unit be kept on a charger whenever it
is not in use; the batteries will not overcharge. If the CooLift is going to be stored and/or not in regular
use, the batteries must go through a full charge cycle every 2 weeks to ensure battery life and duty
*Battery has a warranty of six (6) months.