Ambient probe - Ambient thermostat
To configure the work of the thermo-stove with an ambient probe or room thermostat, parameter A19 must be
changed, if in clamps 27 and 28 of the printed circuit board is connected to:
Ambient probe
(as installed by the factory) set A19 = 1 (already set in Default).
The supplied NTC 10K probe, the reading range is 0 ÷ 50°C with the accuracy of 1°C. If the probe is
disconnected, a temperature value of 0°C will be read; in the case of short circuit, the temperature
detected will be maximum (50°C).
Or, if you wanted to connect a:
Ambient thermostat
set A19 = 0
By setting parameter A01 in the System Menu, the ambient probe or thermostat can be operated according to
the user's needs.
If A01 = 0
Ambient probe/thermostat not reached: the System goes into Check-up status.
Ambient probe/thermostat reached: the System goes into Shut-off status.
If A01 = 1 (default setting)
Ambient probe/thermostat not reached: the System goes into Normal status.
Ambient probe/thermostat reached: the System goes into Modulation status.
If A01 = 2
Ambient probe/thermostat not reached: the System goes into Normal status.
Ambient probe/thermostat reached: the System goes into Standby status.
If A01 = 3
Ambient probe/thermostat not reached: The system reactivates Pump 1.
Ambient probe/thermostat reached: if the boiler water temperature exceeds the value of the Th19
thermostat (50°C), the system blocks Pump 1 until reaching the Th21 thermostat (80°C).
If A01 = 4
Ambient probe/thermostat not reached: the System reactivates the system pump and goes into Normal
Ambient probe/thermostat reached: the System goes into Standby mode and blocks Pump 1, as in case
If A01 = 5
Ambient probe/thermostat not reached: Heating vent operates properly.
Ambient probe/thermostat reached: if A11 = 0, the heating vent is switched off, if A11 = 1 goes to Power