Downloading GIS Data Using an SD Card Reader
SD card readers are generally attached to PC computers
through USB, a faster communication protocol than the con-
ventional RS232 serial line used between the handheld and
the PC running MobileMapper Office.
If your office computer is equipped with an SD card reader,
you can significantly reduce the time required to download
your field data to MobileMapper Office by removing the SD
card from the handheld, inserting it into the SD card reader
and downloading your field data from the SD card inserted in
the reader. Once the download is complete, you can put the
SD card back into the handheld.
Note: It is very important that you use only MobileMapper Of-
fice to transfer any files to or from a MobileMapper Pro receiv-
er's SD card - both when the card is inside the receiver or
inside a card reader. (The only exception is when you use Ma-
gellan MapSend to upload background maps or waypoint/
route files to the receiver.) MobileMapper Office processes
some types of data files, such as background maps and post-
processing job files, during transfer. Other transfer utilities
such as Windows Explorer or ActiveSync are unable to process
MobileMapper Pro data and the transferred files will be in-