Note: MobileMapper
Office does not need
an activation code. If
the jobs you download
to MobileMapper Office
have been recorded
using the “Post-pro-
cessing” job mode,
then MobileMapper
Office will let you post-
process them.
Activation Code screen
Post-Processing Option
MobileMapper Office includes a differential correction utility
that can post-process GPS measurements recorded by Mo-
bileMapper Pro for submeter accuracy. To record these GPS
measurements in a MobileMapper Pro receiver, you need to
first purchase a post-processing option.
When you purchase this option, you are given an activation
code that you should enter into your MobileMapper Pro receiv-
er. Because it is tied to the serial number of your MobileMap-
per Pro receiver, the activation code is valid only for one
Enabling the Post-Processing Option
Press MENU. Use the up/down arrows to highlight
and press ENTER.
Use the up/down arrows to highlight
press ENTER. This displays the Activation Code screen.
Overwrite the “0000000000” field with the activation
code intended for your receiver. Use the up/down arrows to
set each digit and the right arrow to move the cursor to the
next digit. You can move the cursor back to the previous
digit, if necessary, by pressing the left arrow.
After entering the code, press ENTER. This enables the
post-processing option in the receiver. MobileMapper Pro
comes back to the Setup menu where
still highlighted but you can no longer access the Activa-
tion Code screen.