Under any circumstances which might possibly give rise to the danger of penetrating a residential space with inflammable
gases or vapors or during the course of any works that may involve the danger of fire or explosion, a boiler must be put out of
operation in a timely manner, before any such danger occurs. (e.g. bonding of floor coverings, PVC and the like).
No objects consisting of inflammable materials must be put onto a boiler or within a distance less than the safe distance.
Operation and Supervision
Any personnel operating a boiler are required to follow this Operation and Maintenance Manual. No interventions in a
boiler which might endanger the health and/or safety of the operator(s) or any other persons sharing the given residential
space/area are permitted.
A boiler may only be operated by individuals over the age of 18 who are thoroughly familiar with this Operation and
Maintenance Manual.
No children should be allowed to remain within a close distance to a boiler that is currently under operation.
When operating a solid fuel fired boiler no inflammable liquids are permitted to be used for firing up. Increasing in any manner a
boiler’s output capacity during operation is prohibited as well.
In the course of normal operation, a boiler must be controlled by operating personnel.
A user is only allowed to perform such repairs that involve replacement of standard spare parts (such as fireproof concrete
insulation bricks and the like). No user is allowed to interfere with the design and/or electric wiring of a boiler.
Recommended Accessories for MA gasifying boilers
1) The DUOMIX mixing valve is an appropriate element to regulate a central heating system. It ensures that the heating water
input temperature in a boiler does not drop below 60 °C (140 °F). (Also other types of devices capable of ensuring that the return
water temperature does not drop below 60 °C (140 °F) may be applied – e.g. a thermoregulation valve).
2) Circulating pump with thermostat or
3) Laddomat or similar system.
Spare Parts
Fireproof tile blocks (5, 10); Fan (4). There are additional spare parts available (should be consulted with your local distributor).