Macurco DVP-120C Manual
REV – 1.0
[34-8708-4770-8 ]
P a g e
the sensor number and underline the relay number; this indicates that the digit keys can be used to jump directly to
a particular relay’s status. When the up or down key is again used the display will switch back to the digit keys
jumping to a particular sensor.
The MENU key has three functions.
First, when the system is presenting the normal display, pressing the MENU key will cause the system to
shift to the Configuration Menu.
The second function of the MENU key is to return to the next-higher menu level, e.g. from the sensor
configuration menu to the system menu, or from the system menu out to normal mode. If in the middle of
entering a multi-digit parameter, the MENU key also cancels any changes to the parameter. When the
MENU key is used to return to normal mode, any changed configuration parameters are saved in the DVP-
120C’s memory.
The third function of the MENU key is to change the LCD contrast by holding the MENU key for five (5)
seconds, at which point the LCD will prompt for further activities, see sections 4.4 for more detail.
Hush Key
The HUSH key is only used to silence the audible indicators (internal buzzer and possible external Horn and Strobe
devices). Pressing and releasing the button will silence the internal buzzer. The HUSH button must be held for 3
seconds to silence the Horn and Strobe devices.
The following table shows the silence period for different state of the panel.
State of the Panel
Silence Period
5 minutes
Occupied Failure
5 minutes
Unoccupied Failure
4 hours
15 minutes
Calibration Due Warning Refer Table 4-2
Calibration Due Trouble 15 minutes
8 hours
Zone Signal
15 minutes
Table 4-1 Hush function Silence Period
Normal Status Display
M O N 1 0 : 2 3 R 1 O F F
S 0 1 C O 5 P P M
Figure 4-4 Normal System Display
The display shows the day of the week and the time of day, in 24-hour format. It also shows the status of one of the
relays, R1 in this example, and the type and indicated the gas concentration of one of the configured sensors, S01 is
a CO sensor indicating 5ppm in this example.
: The “S” will alternate between “S” (capital) and “s” (lowercase), this indicates that the sensor is
communicating with the DVP-120C