Macurco DVP-120C Manual
REV – 1.0
[34-8708-4770-8 ]
P a g e
Figure 4-30
You can change the baud rate for communication with detector with this menu. Default baud rate is 19200. The
underlined character indicate that the numeric keys can be used to change the baud rate. Valid entries are 0, 1 and 2
corresponding to baud rate of 19200, 9600 and 4800 respectively.
I n t e r -- f r a m e a d d
d e l a y: 0 1 m s e c
Figure 4-31
This is a delay added between frame for communication between detectors and panel. It is recommended to leave
this to the default value of 01 msec.
R e a d i n g R e t r i e s :
1 2
Figure 4-32
This parameter is number of times panel will attempt to receive readings from panel before going into trouble state.
The underlined characters indicate that the numeric keys can be used to change the value.
NOTE: Change the value of Reading Retries according to table below, every time the baud rate for the panel is
Baud Rate
Reading Retries
19200 (Default)
12 (Default)
Table 4-4
C a n D i s c o v e r : 9 9
E n a b l e d : 9 9
Figure 4-33
This menu option is useful for troubleshooting. Normally all sensors register automatically. This shows how many
detectors the panel can discover and how many of them are enabled. You can enable or disable any specific
detector address entering this menu. If any of the detector address is disabled, then the panel will not attempt
communication with the corresponding detector.
F o u n d 0 6 o f 9 9
E n a b l e d : 9 9
Figure 4-33
This menu shows how many detectors have been registered. In this example, the display example shows that panel
has discovered 6 detectors out of maximum possibility of 99. This means 93 more detectors can be connected to the