Noise / Hum
Are the EQs set to reasonable levels?
Are any aux returns maxed out?
Are you using unbalanced cables? Swap them out with balanced cables to see if that fixes the problem.
Try the same source signal in another channel, set up exactly like the suspect channel.
Try disconnecting the cable connected to the input jack. If the noise disappears, it could be a “ground loop,”
rather than a problem with the mixer.
Turn the input gains down one-by-one. If the offending noise disappears, it’s either that input or whatever is plugged into it.
If you unplug the whatever-is-plugged-into-it and turn the input gain back up and the noise is gone, it’s from your whatever.
Is phantom power required for the microphone?
Whenever possible, plug all the audio equipment’s line cords into outlets which share a common ground.
The distance between the outlets and the common ground should be as short as possible.
Make sure none of the signal cables are routed near AC cables, power transformers, or other EMI-inducing devices.
Is there a light dimmer or other SCR-based device on the same AC circuit as the mixer?
Use an AC line filter or plug it into a different AC circuit.
Other Issues
Bluetooth Blues?
Restart the Bluetooth device. Completely power it down, then power it back up.
Restart the mixer. A simple reboot can sometimes work great wonders.
Using a Windows-driven computer and need to install the Mackie USB Driver?
Go to mackie.com and look for the file named ‘USB Driver Installation Instructions’.
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