Mid EQ Knobs
Short for “midrange,” this knob provides up to 15 dB of boost or cut, centered at 2.5 kHz,
also flat at the center detent. Midrange EQ is often thought of as the most dynamic, because
the frequencies that define any particular sound are almost always found in this range.
You can create many interesting and useful EQ changes by turning this knob down as well as up.
Low EQ Knobs
The low EQ provides up to 15 dB of boost or cut below 80 Hz. The circuit is flat at the center
detent position. This frequency represents the punch in bass drums, bass guitar, fat synth
patches, and some really serious male singers who eat raw beef for breakfast.
Aux Mon Knobs [Pr]
These knobs tap a portion of each channel’s signal to set up a nice monitor mix feeding stage monitors, independent of the main
mix. Adjust these controls on each channel until the band is happy with the stage monitor mix.
The controls are off when fully turned down, deliver unity gain at the center detent, and can provide up to 10 dB of gain turned
fully up.
The pan and channel fader do not affect the monitor output, but the other channel controls will. The aux mon is pre-fader.
The overall output level may be adjusted with the master mon control. Both the channel aux mon knobs and master aux mon
knob are colored green. Internal FX may also be added to the monitor mix with the FX to mon master knob.
As seen in the picture above, the Pr has eight aux mon knobs.
There are no aux mon knobs on the P and Pr.
20 Hz
100 Hz
1 kHz
10 k 20 k
20 Hz
100 Hz
1 kHz
10 k 20 k