XLR Mic Input Jacks [Pr and Pr]
This is a female XLR connector that accepts a balanced mic or line level input from almost any type of source.
These mic preamps feature higher fidelity and headroom rivaling any standalone mic preamp on the market today.
These circuits are excellent at rejecting hum and noise.
Professional ribbon, dynamic, and condenser mics all sound excellent through these inputs. The mic / line inputs will handle
any kind of level you can toss at them, without overloading. The wiring diagrams are presented on the previous page.
NEVER connect the output of an amplifier directly to a mixer’s input jack.
This could damage the input circuitry and we wouldn’t want that now, would we?
As seen in the pictures above, the Pr has two XLR mic input jacks (on channels 3 and 4),
while the Pr boasts a mighty five XLR mic input jacks (on channels 3 and 4, 5/6, 7/8 and 9/10).
There are no XLR mic input jacks on the P (other than the first two channel combo input jacks).
1/4" Line Input Jacks [Pr and Pr]
These 1/4" jacks share circuitry (but not phantom power) with the mic preamps, and can be driven by balanced
or unbalanced sources at almost any level. You can use these inputs for virtually any signal you’ll come across.
To connect balanced lines to these outputs, use a 1/4" Tip-Ring-Sleeve (TRS) plug. “TRS” stands for Tip-Ring-Sleeve,
the three connection points available on a stereo 1/4" or balanced phone jack or plug. The wiring diagrams are presented
on the previous page.
NEVER connect the output of an amplifier directly to a mixer’s input jack.
This could damage the input circuitry and we wouldn’t want that now, would we?
As seen in the pictures above, both the Pr and Pr have two 1/4" line input jacks
(on channels 3 and 4). There are no 1/4" input jacks on the P (other than the first two
channel combo input jacks).