Sub 1-2 Faders [Pr]
As you might expect, this fader controls the level of the signal sent to the sub out jacks.
All channels that are assigned to subs, not muted, and not turned fully down will appear at the sub outs.
The sub signal is off when the fader is fully down, the “U” marking is unity gain, and fully up provides 10 dB additional gain.
The sub fader works as a stereo pair – so sub 1 and 2 on a single fader – to easily maintain the left/right balance.
Sub 1-2 Assign Switch [Pr]
One popular use of a subgroup is to use it as master fader for a group of channels on their way to the main mix fader.
Let’s say you have a drum kit hogging up five channels and you are going to want to control their group volume more
conveniently. You do not want to try that with five hands or five fingers, so just unassign these channels from the main
mix and reassign them to sub 1-2. Then engage the main mix L-R switch located near the lower-right corner of the sub 1-2 fader
as seen in the Pr sub 1-2 fader displayed above. Now you may ride the entire drum mix with a single fader – sub 1-2.
Sub 1-2 Mute Switch [Pr]
When engaged, subgroups 1-2 are muted, and its output will not appear on the main mix or monitor mix. If this switch
is not engaged, then the subgroups are set free and may be added as required to the main mix and/or monitor mix.
It is located conveniently above the sub 1-2 fader as seen in the Pr sub 1-2 fader displayed above.