m2m Germany GmbH | Am Kappengraben 18-20 | 61273 Wehrheim | 06081 5873860
Quick flashing
Quick flashing
3.1.4 Antenna
The magnetic antenna must be positioned on ametal body. It should preferably be vertical and at least 30 cm away from other metal bodies. The installation must
take place in a place where the LoRaWAN® signal coverage is good (SF=7 optimal, SF=12 weak). Use the provided clip to hold the antenna connector in place, as
in the picture:
3.2 Configuration
To deploy the sensor, use
online tool, to setup LoRaWAN® credentials and other preferences (only available for Windows®) :
Before connect the device the first time, please install LoRaBridge applicarions and drivers:
Validate your settings reading data after the write.
enginko provides, upon free registration, user manuals, javascript examples, downlink generator, uplink decoder, firmware updates and different tools :
3.3 System led
LoRaWAN® not configured
Slow flashing
Quick flashing