SA-3 2014
4. STAIRMATE reaches the top of the stairs:
4.1 When STAIRMATE reaches a landing
or the top of the stairs, be sure to stop
STAIRMATE for a moment when Stop Mark
is just on the edge of top stair.
Stop Mark is only an approximate
The stop position will vary
according to the passenger‘s
If STAIRMATE is not stopped at its stop position and UP
Switch is kept pressed, STAIRMATE will suddenly fall down
backward. This will be dangerous!
4.2 After STAIRMATE is temporarily stopped,
pull Handle slowly toward the operator
STAIRMATE‘s Wheels will contact the floor.
After Wheel‘s contact is confirmed, press
UP Switch again to move STAIRMATE to a
safe, flat area.
Because Operation Switches are positioned behind the
passenger and the operator controls STAIRMATE from the rear
of the passenger, an unaccustomed passenger may feel anxiety.
As the operator operates STAIRMATE, he/she must describe the
operation in a clear voice at the following times :
1. Before attaching or releasing Wheelchair to/from
2. Before pressing UP Switch.
3. Before STAIRMATE starts ascending the stairs.
4. Before tilting STAIRMATE to bring its Wheels to the floor
after it reaches its Stop Mark.
5. Before changing STAIRMATE‘S direction.