SA-3 2014
3. Bring Stair Gauge to contact the edges of
two adjacent stairs to measure the stair’s
pitch. If the measured pitch is shorter
than the distance between Stair Gauge’s
Holes (positioned at each end of Gauge),
STAIRMATE can be used. If the measured
pitch exceeds the distance between Stair
Gauge’s Holes, STAIRMATE cannot be
The distance between Holes is
340 mm.
4. Set Stair Gauge against the edge of the
neighboring stair. Observe Pointer Position.
If Pointer settles within Green Color Range,
it is possible to use STAIRMATE. Never
use STAIRMATE on a stair if Pointer settles
within Red Color Range. After the mea-
surement is completed, be sure to return
Stair Gauge to its original position on
Be sure to measure the stairs for their compliance before fi rst
running STAIRMATE. Only all three requirements shown below
are satisfi ed, can STAIRMATE be run on the stairs.
a: The stair height is less than Stair Gauge’s Safe Line height.
(180 mm or below)
b: The stair’s pitch is within Stair Gauge’s Two Hole’s distance.
(340 mm or below)
c: Stair Gauge’s Pointer settles within Green-Colored Range.
(35 degrees or lower).
2. Put Stair Gauge vertically against the stair.
Measure one stair’s height. It is possible
to use STAIRMATE if the height is less
than Stair Gauge’s Safe Line. Never use
STAIRMATE on a stair if its height exceeds
Stair Gauge’s Safe Line.
NOTE: The height of Safe Line is 180 mm.