3. Continue with standard transmission procedures. A private mode access
tone will be heard when the PTT button is pressed.
Scanned Group Calls
Receiving a scanned group call is the same as receiving a selected group call.
During the scan hang time, if the radio was programmed for auto select, it will
transmit back in the same mode it received the call. For example, if a clear
group is entered in the scan list, it will only receive clear calls. If the same
group was available in private and entered in the scan list, it can receive clear
and private calls, provided auto select was programmed in the radio. The user
can select transmitting on the scanned or selected group. If a group is entered
in the scan list more than once and in different modes (clear, digital, private),
only the first occurrence of the group will be used.
Conventional Operation
Outside Address
The same outside address (works similar to Channel Guard operation) must be
programmed in the transmitting and receiving radios when Aegis or ProVoice
digital or private operation is enabled. If address is not correct, the radios will
not communicate.
Channel Guard
Channel Guard encode is transmitted on analog clear channels only. Channel
Guard decode will operate on either a clear or private channel. The exception
is when G-STAR signaling is used (see G-STAR paragraph).
When G-STAR is programmed on a private channel, the radio will transmit G-
STAR in clear mode and then switch to private for the voice portion of the
call. If G-STAR is sent with Channel Guard, then both are sent in clear mode
and then radio switches to private mode. Emergency G-STAR data burst is
transmitted in clear mode.
The Orion mobile radio may be programmed to operate from two separate
Control Units. This permits radio operation from two separate locations in the
vehicle. Dual control operation is available in both trunked and conventional
modes. Only one control unit can control the mobile radio unit at a time. The
control unit, which controls the radio’s operation, is called the active
controller and the second unit is called the idle controller.