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This connection is usually made via ring terminal to ground lug in the vehicle, supplied by the
vehicle manufacturer for aftermarket products. If one is not available, ensure that the
connection is solid to a metal portion of the vehicle which is directly grounded to the vehicle
frame. Ensure there is no corrosion or paint interfering with this connection.
Instructions for Basic Connections
1. Find a suitable location to make electrical connections (usually behind/under the dash-
board or power distribution center).
2. Connect the red, brown, and black wires from the Vehicle Interface Cable leads to the
vehicle as shown in the "Electrical Connection Overview Diagram" on page 19. Be sure
to follow the parameters for each wire, detailed above.
Connect Turn Signals and Brake Inputs
Before You Begin
Refer to the manufacturer-specific connection guide for possible locations to find
turn signal and brake inputs.
Check with the vehicle manufacturer to determine if brake data is reported on the
vehicle network. Brake data is reported on the vehicle network for most vehicles
manufactured since 2008.
1. Connect one of the remaining input wires (typically white) on the Vehicle Interface
Cable to the left turn signal input. The input must cycle between 0V and 12V/24V when
2. Connect one of the remaining input wires (typically purple) on the cable to the right
turn signal input. The input must cycle between 0V and 12V/24V when activated.
3. If brake data is reported on the vehicle network, cap off and coil the unused wire.
4. If brake data is NOT reported on the vehicle network, connect the remaining wire on
the cable to the brake input. The input must provide 12V/24V when activated.
Connect to the Vehicle Network
Connect to the Vehicle J1939 Network
You may connect to the vehicle J1939 network with the CAN Coupler, a coupling device. This
device uses inductive technology to allow the event recorder to read the data on the J1939
network without any puncture, cut, or splice into the vehicle cabling.
Refer to the "Electrical Connection Overview Diagram" on page 19 for the following steps.