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Hilo Remote Control Application
Hilo Remote is a software application that allows users to conveniently control the Hilo, change settings, and view its different meter
options, from their computer. Settings on the Hilo display and in the Hilo Remote software will be identical in all regards, except for
scene storage. Different scenes can be saved in the computer that hosts the Hilo Remote app, and on the Hilo itself. The Hilo Remote
app is available for Macintosh OSX or Windows computer, and there is also a version available for Apple iPad that can be
downloaded from iPad App Store (keywords Lynx Hilo).
In addition to running the Hilo Remote on the computer that the Hilo is connected to, it is possible to use Hilo remote from a computer
or iPad that is connected to the host computer via WiFi or WLAN. This use requires the Lynx MIDI Re-Director tool. We will explore
that solution, later in this section.
Hilo Remote for Windows
Hilo Remote is installed automatically with the Windows Driver. Additionally, the latest version can always be downloaded from the
Lynx Studio website: Support > Downloads > Hilo. When downloading an updated version of Hilo Remote, check the posted system
requirements before installing the software. In some cases, a specific version of the Hilo firmware may be necessary for the software
to function correctly (see
Section 4: Firmware Update
for information about updating the Hilo firmware).
Once installed, the Hilo Remote can be launched from the Lynx Studio Technology Program group.
Hilo Remote for OS X
Hilo Remote for OS X can be downloaded from the Lynx website: Support > Downloads > Hilo. When downloading an updated
version of Hilo Remote, check the posted system requirements before installing the software. In some cases, a specific version of the
Hilo firmware may be necessary for the software to function correctly (see
Section 4: Firmware Update
for information about
updating the Hilo firmware).
Once installed, the Hilo Remote can be launched from Applications
Hilo Remote for iPad
Hilo Remote for iPad can be downloaded from the App Store on your iPad.
Search for “Lynx Hilo” and download the free Hilo
Remote app or go to
from your iPad. Hilo Remote for iPad requires Hilo firmware revision 7 or
Using Hilo Remote
Hilo Remote is a single screen app for controlling the routing and various features of the Hilo. The software simply reveals and
facilitates changes to the Hilo hardware, so the Remote will not launch if a Hilo is not connected to the computer and functional. In
addition to the controls on the Main Window there are two menus with additional features.
The features are identical for the OS X and Windows versions. The iPad version does not allow for scene Open or Save.
Navigation Bar
The bar at the top of the Lynx Mixer main window, provides access to commonly used functions, and allows for customizing the
displayed elements. Doing a “mouse over” will cause a pop-up to appear over each icon in the Navigation Bar, with a short
description of the associated function.