LX5000 March 2002
page 39
If the password was repeated correctly (having less than 4 chracters, one can skip the remaining „stars“ with ENTER or
ESC), the last settings, used by that pilot will be restored.
If the pilot is using no password, the last flown settings are restored, but there is no guarantee, that other pilots have not
used his settings and changed something.
If the „pilot“ UNKNOWN is selected, also the last flown settings are restored, regardless of pilot.
If a pilot uses a glider with more configurations (e.g. 15m- and 18m-version), it is recommended to use the multipilot
option, because the polar is also one of the restored individual settings.
SET ALT (take off elevation input)
We all know that air pressure changes all the time. After switching ON, the instrument doesn’t know the elevation and
the elevation should be entered.
SET ALT: 0185 m
The pilot has to input his
take off elevation.
The instrument will offer the last airport which was on the top list of
NEAR AIRPORT, if it is OK, the pilot simply has to confirm the offered altitude. QNH setting is not mandatory (ESC to
After input of QNH the pilot will be able to offset his altimeter due to pressure changes during the flight. This will make
his flight and specially his final glide safer. The best way to get an actual QNH is the meteorological service on the
airfield or nearby. The input procedure is as follows:
Rotate UP/DOWN and 1013 mb will be offered
Use ENTER and UP/DOWN to adjust actual value
Without setting the QNH in the start procedure, the QNH cannot be changed during flight!!
Preflight check
It is strongly recommended to check all settings in the setup mode(only before password) especially if more pilots are
flying the glider. All parameters will remain unchanged after switching off, the only exceptions are:
Ballast if not defined with
in setup LOAD
If you want to fly a task, it is recommended to transfer this task first from a PC, LX20 or Colibri. So the task can be
prepared comfortably at home or at the competition briefing
When attempting an FAI badgeflight do not forget to use the „TASK DECLARE“ procedure.
Declaration during or after the flight is not possible!
Performing the flight
It is recommended to switch the LX5000 on some minutes before the estimated start time, to have a secure GPS-
reception, and the obligatory baseline for the barogram in the IGC-file