LX5000 March 2002
page 31
Approaching to the TP, NEAR message will inform the pilot that he is closing on the turnpoint. After the INSIDE
message is displayed, the pilot is definitively sure that he has reached the observation zone (for inst. photosector).
The tasks are numerated from 00 to 99 and the turnpoints building a task from 0 up to 9. Point 0 is always start point
TSK select
All memorized tasks can be selected using the select procedure. The procedure is started after choosing the SELECT and
confirmed by ENTER.
To select a task rotate UP/DOWN selector and confirm with ENTER.
TSK edit
The active TSK can be edited at any time, on the ground or during the flight.
(maximum time for the task, used in AAT): Entered in hours and minutes. This is not obligatory. After starting the
task, this watch runs to zero
If a turnpoint is to be deleted, exchanged or inserted, the user selects the desired turnpoint with UP/DOWN and confirms
with ENTER. A context box is opened:
exchanges the selected turnpoint with another
adds a turnpoint one position above
removes that turnpoit from the task
In order to follow the latest regulations for AAT-tasks up to five tasks from 00 to 99 can be modified absolutely free, no
matter which task number, but only 5 concomitant. Absolutely free means even each turnpoint can have an own sector.
Starting EDIT procedure the additional items
will appear if selected task could be modified. If there
no ZONE and MOVE
, that means five tasks are already modified. The modified task is active
for three flights.
After the third flight all sectors are set back to the default settings (defined in SETUP/OBS.ZONES). This delay allows
the competition pilot to make three take offs without loosing his individual settings.
Herewith an individual sector can be assigned to each point of the task. In the following example this is a start sector to
the 0. point Leverkusen
total task distance