LX5000 March 2002
page 36
The zoom procedure is similar, but there is no cross. After enter a vertical bar will appear which can be moved
(UP/DOWN) and fixed with enter again. The same way is used for the second bar.
After pushing ENTER a task recalculation will follow. It can take some minutes, if the flight is very long and log time
interval very short. The calculation procedure cannot be stopped. The single legs are available by rotating UP/DOWN.
Rotating UP/DOWN selector all legs can be analyzed in details.
Use ZOOM selector to activate next pages of leg statistics.
XC speed is corrected average speed on leg. The altitude gain or loss is calculated.
Leg route (zoom possible too)
ENTER to zoom
the sectors.
Track distance
Var.average/ % of climbing
Altitudes overhead TP
LEG 1 from 3
Time of confirmation