SIP-H680 Series IP Phone User Manual
- Delete the outgoing call rule through the web interface
1.Log in to the phone page through the IP address.
2.Click Settings
->Dial plan
->Dial now.
3.In the rule list, click the rule to be deleted.
4.Click the delete button to delete the rule.
Immediate call delay time
You need to set a delay time for immediate outgoing calls. The default time is 1 seconds, and the
setting range is 0~14 (unit: second). When the number entered during dialing meets an immediate outgoing
call rule, the phone will automatically after the delay time to call out this number and you don’t need to press
the send button of the phone.
- Set the delay time for immediate outgoing call through the web interface
1.Log in to the phone interface by IP address.
2.Click Settings
->Dial plan
->Dial now.
3.Fill in the time in the input area for Immediate outgoing delay.
4.Click confirm button to save .