User Guide
© Copyright 2011 Luxul. All rights reserved. Trademarks & Registered Trademarks are property of respective holders.
IP Address:
An IP address is a numerical label assigned to each device on the
network. This fi eld shows the IP address that is assigned to the XAP-1032. To
ensure plug and play capability with other Luxul networking products, the IP
Address is automatically defaulted to If desired, the user can set
this to a different static IP Address. To change the IP address of the Access Point,
simply type in the desired IP address (the text fi eld will be red if the address is
incomplete), click Apply and then Reboot for the changed to take effect. When
connecting to the Access Point through the XenSmart™ web interface, the NEW IP
Address must be used.
Each device on the same network must have a unique IP address.
If the Access Point is assigned an IP address already in use, it
will result in an IP address confl ict that will need to be resolved
manually. For optimal communications with all Luxul Xen devices
on the network, it is recommended that IP addresses not be
changed unless absolutely necessary.
Subnet Mask:
To ensure plug and play capability with other Luxul networking
products, the Subnet Mask is automatically defaulted to If desired,
the user can set this to a different static Subnet Mask.
Default Gateway:
A gateway is a router on the network that connects two or
more networks together. Typically the gateway (router) connects the local area
network (LAN) to the Internet. The Internet Service Provider (ISP) often provides
a physical device (usually a DSL modem or cable modem) that connects to the
gateway with an Ethernet cable, thus completing the link to the Internet. For
optimal connectivity and network functionality, this device could also be the
Luxul Xen XBR-2300 Router.
The Default Gateway fi eld is the IP address for this routing device. The default
confi guration is left blank or empty, allowing the Access Point to automatically
fi nd the necessary route to the Internet. It is recommended to leave this fi eld
Network Name (SSID):
Sets the name of the Wireless Network. Default name
is LuxulXen. It is recommended to change the SSID from the default name. The
SSID is case sensitive and can contain:
2 – 32 alphanumeric characters
Special characters (i.e. @#$%&*)
To change the SSID of the wireless network, simply type the desired name, click
, and then
for the change to take effect.