0698-451 B70H - 07/2020
Prevention of obvious misapplication (examples)
• Observe and comply with the operating limits of the pump concerning temperature, pressure,
delivery rate (
contract data sheet,
technical data).
• The power consumption of the pump increases with increasing viscosity of the liquid. To prevent an
overload of the pump, coupling and motor, comply with the permissible viscosity (
technical data).
A lower viscosity is allowed.
• Motors may only be operated mounted to the pump tube (
operating instructions motor).
• Use hoses only in perfect and tested condition (
operating instructions hose lines).
2.3 Specific danger
Explosion hazard area
Chapter 2.2.2 - Operation in hazardous location or pumping flammable liquids
• Only use pump tubes with ATEX approval.
• Only use explosion-proof drive motors.
Dangerous media
• When pumping dangerous media (e.g. hot, flammable, explosive. poisonous, dangerous to health)
observe safety regulations for handling hazardous substances.
• Consider the safety data sheet of the product.
• Always wear protective equipment when working on the pump.
Mechanical hazard
• Pump protrudes from the container and must be protected against mechanical influences.