Two arrows will indicate the following values:
Allocated power:
based on the classes of the connected PoE
devices, the switch will allocate the necessary power to the
PoE supply. This value is represented with a grey index.
Actual usage:
a green index will show the current power
delivered by the PoE supply.
4.6.1 PoE Settings:
The settings page allows you to assign the following PoE parameters
to the 8 EtherCon ports:
Enable/Disable PoE per port
Assign a priority on the port
To change the PoE parameters of one or several ports please apply the
following procedure:
Select the port(s) you wish to modify
Enable or disable these port(s)
Select the priority for the port(s)
Apply your new parameters
The priority of a port is used when the switch reaches the limit of its
maximum output power.
In the unlikely situation of the PoE devices requiring too much power
from the switch, the switch will fi rst disable the port(s) with the lowest
4.6.2 PoE Advanced:
In the advanced PoE settings the user has the option to confi gure the
following options:
Management type:
Class (PoE classifi cation)
LLDP (Link Layer Discovery Protocol)
Power Budget:
Consumption, the actual consumed power is being used to
determine the maximum output power.
Reserved, the class is used to reserve the maximum allowed
power for that class to determine the maximum output power.
4.5 GROUPS / 4.6 POE