Lumikit Sistemas para Iluminação
Lumikit Sistemas para Iluminação
Lumikit Sistemas para Iluminação
Lumikit Sistemas para Iluminação | www.lumikit.com.br
6.4 Reproducing programs from the
6.4 Reproducing programs from the
6.4 Reproducing programs from the
6.4 Reproducing programs from the Pen Drive
Pen Drive
Pen Drive
Pen Drive
If the connected Pen Drive is valid and has valid programs, it is possible to make the reproduction of these
programs by pressing the button “PLAYBACK/SAVE CONFIG”, if there is more than one program inside the Pen
Drive, the next program will be reproduced by pressing the button “PLAYBACK/SAVE CONFIG” again.
The program reproduction can be also be made through the remote control app, check the next chapters of this
6.5 Deleting programs from the Pen Drive
Deleting programs from the Pen Drive
Deleting programs from the Pen Drive
Deleting programs from the Pen Drive
It is not possible to delete a program directly through the interface, only by using the remote control app or by
disconnecting the Pen Drive from the interface e connecting to a computer; the program can be deleted through
Windows Explorer or MAC’s Finder directly from the LUMIKIT folder inside the Pen Drive.