Lumikit Sistemas para Iluminação
Lumikit Sistemas para Iluminação
Lumikit Sistemas para Iluminação
Lumikit Sistemas para Iluminação | www.lumikit.com.br
The folder can store up to 20 files, this files will be named with one character indicating the corresponding
program, the names are: : “0”, “1”, “2”, “3”, “4”, “5”, “6”, “7”, “8”, “9”, “A”, “B”, “C”, “D”, “E”, “F”, “G”, “H”, “I” e “J”. File “0”
corresponds to the first program, file “1” to the second and so on, until file “J”, which corresponds to the
twentieth program
This Pen Drive can also be opened in Windows Explorer or in MAC’s Finder:
In the example above, the Pen Drive has 2 programs; the file “1” corresponds to the program in position “2” and
the program “3” corresponds to the program “4”.
It is possible to copy the programs to another Pen Drive and also delete the programs.
Every minute of recording corresponds to approximately 3MB of data. The maximum recording time is 30
minutes, in this case the file will have approximately 90MB. Since the interface supports up to 20 programs, a
2GB Pen Drive is enough to store all programs.
6.3 Recording
Recording a program in the Pen Drive
a program in the Pen Drive
a program in the Pen Drive
a program in the Pen Drive
If the Pen Drive connected is valid, has enough storage space, less than 20 programs and the interface is
receiving Art-Net signal, it is possible to record a new program, to do this, press the button “ART-NET/CHANGE
UNIV.” and the button “PLAYBACK/SAVE CONFIG.” at the same time:
After the beginning of the recording, it is possible to end it through the button “PLAYBACK/SAVE CONFIG”, in this
case the program will be recorded in the Pen Drive or the recording can be canceled through the button
“RESET/CHANGE IP”, in this case the program will not be recorded in the Pen Drive. The maximum recording time
is 30 minutes, after that the process will be automatically ended.
The recording can also be made through the interface’s remote control app, check the next chapters of this