ISR 12-LO/GS Manual
Controls and Installation
Connector pin J
The connector pin J can be used for 4 different functions:
1) Operating mode contact:
During the warm-up of the pyrometer (after connection to the
power supply, the LED display on the converter indicates “7777”) pin J is connected to the
power supply voltage. This voltage is connected by a relays switch (max. continuous current
0.4 A) to pin K (power supply voltage). This relays switch opens when the warm-up is finished,
and the pyrometer is in operating mode. For that reason, this pin can be used as operating
mode contact.
2) External clearing of the maximum value storage:
When the pyrometer is in operating
mode, pin J can be used for external clearing of maximum value storage (see
). To clear the
maximum value storage, connect pin J for a short time to pin K (power supply voltage).
The function “external clearing” is activated with the following conditions:
Warm-up is finished (no display “7777“)
The clear time is set to “extern“ (see 4.7)
The lens contamination monitoring is switched off. This can be done via software InfraWin
in “color-bar“ window. The warning level “dirty window” must be set to 0%.
3) Lens contamination monitoring system:
The pyrometers are equipped with a
contamination monitoring system. Contamination of lens or sighting window or dust in the
sighting path of the pyrometer can interfere the signal in such a high level that a correct
temperature measurement will be impossible (this can also happen if the object is smaller than
the spot size of the pyrometer). To avoid wrong measurements in advance, a warning signal can
be set to a certain contamination level. If contamination reaches this level (or at a certain too
low signal level), a built-in relays (max. continuous current 0.4 A) connects pin J to pin K (power
supply voltage). The setting of the switch level (0 … 99%) can be done via software InfraWin in
“color-bar“ window. If the warning level “dirty window” is set to 0% the lens contamination
monitoring system is switched off and pin J has the function “external clearing” of maximum
value storage (factory setting).
The lens contamination monitoring system is activated with the following conditions:
Warm-up is finished (no display “7777“)
The clear time is not set to “extern“ or “hold” (see
The pyrometer is operating in “2-color mode” (see
4) Extern Hold:
When the hold function mode is activated the current pouring stream
(or the current temperature reading if the instrument is not in pouring stream
is frozen if J and pin K are connected (see
4.7 clear time of the maximum value
Connecting the pyrometer to a PC
The pyrometers are equipped with a serial interface RS232 or RS485 (switchable at the
pyrometer). Standard on a PC is the RS232 interface. At this interface one pyrometer can be
connected if the interface is set to RS232. Only short distances can be transmitted with RS232
and electromagnetic interferences can affect the transmission.
With RS485 the transmission is to a large extend free of problems, long transmission distances
can be realized, and several pyrometers can be connected in a bus system. If RS485 is not
available at the PC, it can be realized with an external converter which converts the RS485 in
RS232 for a standard connection to a PC.