Model 3003 and 3003i Multi-Detector Survey Meter / SCA
Section 2
Ludlum Measurements, Inc.
Page 2-11 September 2020
Currently has no effect.
Extra-Long Press
(press and release the button after three beeps)
In RATE, MAX, or DOSE mode, the button has no effect.
In COUNT mode, it will:
If COUNT mode is ready: It will change the count time to next
available count time.
If COUNT mode is in progress: It will switch between
displaying the count and displaying the count timer.
If COUNT mode is complete: Has no effect.
PRG button
Short Press
(press and release the button after one beep)
During instrument initialization and within 4 seconds after the
power-up screen, a tap of the PRG button will place the instrument
into setup mode.
If datalogging in Mode 2 and a log event has been initiated, the
button is used to increment the location ID.
Long Press
(press and release the button after two beeps)
Currently has no effect.
Extra-Long Press
(press and release the button after three beeps)
Currently has no effect.