Chapter 7 P2P Service
1) Numerical constant
The part to be fixed as Constant shall be defined among frames, with the value of the data item
specified in hexadecimal.
[Fig. 7.3.9] Numerical constant to select and input
2) String Constant
String Constant shall be registered among frames, with the value of the data item specified in
ASCII code.
[Fig. 7.3.10] String Constant to select and register
3) Fix sized variable
It is available only in the Body area of the frame, and used to process data whose size is as
long as defined value (size is of Byte). Check “Assign memory” to read data from PLC memory
when send frame is registered and save the received data on PLC Memory when receive
frame is registered. Conversion and swap processing are available for the data when FEnet
module read data from PLC memory or save data on PLC memory.
[Fig. 7.3.11] Fix sized variable to select and register