Chapter 5 XG5000 Program
Chapter 5 XG5000 Program
In order to operate FEnet I/F module, XG5000, a dedicated S/W for communication modules, must be
used to setup or manage parameters of communication modules including FEnet I/F module.
XG5000 is dedicated software to setup parameters and of communication modules such as FEnet,
Cnet, DeviceNet and Profibus-DP communication modules, manage and diagnose communication
5.1 Introduction
As a basic program tool needed to setup, control and manage the network in Ethernet communication,
XG5000 is used to setup and manage all of the communication parameters including system parameters,
service parameters, module and network diagnosis, etc.
With regard to Ethernet network, the functions of XG5000 can be mainly classified as follows;
1) Basic parameters setting of communication system,
2) Parameters setting of communication service (HS link, P2P, dedicated service)
3) Diagnosis service for module and network
Parameters and files the user has specified can be written (downloaded) on and read (uploaded) from
Ethernet communication module through CPU module. Since once downloaded communication system
parameters are managed by CPU, they can be directly used without resetting even if a new communication
module is installed on the initially specified position.
This chapter will focus on the description of settings necessary for the application of Ethernet module