maXim Operator Manual
LSC Lighting Systems (Aust) Pty. Ltd.
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Do not allow any liquids or foreign objects to enter the maXim. If any liquids are spilt onto the
the inside should be cleaned and dried as soon as possible. Only suitably qualified
personnel should remove the covers and perform any such maintenance.
Do not apply excessive force to any of the controls. Spare parts and service are available from
your LSC agent, but prevention is better than cure.
When connecting any devices to the maXim, make sure that all connections are correct before
switching on the power. If any doubt exists, obtain the assistance of qualified personnel.
If your maXim is to be used "on the road", you should use it (optional) flight case to protect the
desk. Transport the maXim with all faders in the fully down position. This gives the faders
maximum protection from damage.
When your maXim is not in use, protect it with its (optional) dust cover.
If the surface of your maXim becomes soiled, clean it with a damp cloth. Do not use any
powerful solvents. An alcohol swab may be used to remove any gum from labelling tape (below).
Areas are provided below the faders for you to write identifying labels. To prevent permanent
marking of your maXim, LSC recommends that you write place strips of “write on” tape in these
Certain buttonstroke terminology is used throughout this manual to describe the particular
operations being undertaken. Any text enclosed in these symbols, [ ]
refers to when that
button needs to be
For example; Press [record scene], means to press the record scene button.
Flash/assign buttons are often abbreviated to F/A. If the button to be pressed is a Flash/Assign
button (of which there are many) then it will be identified by naming it as follows;
[Flash/assign] (Name) or the shortened version, [F/A] (Name).
Any information that appears on the LED display is printed in “quotes”.
Some F/A buttons have
secondary functions
that are activated by holding down the function
button and tapping the F/A button. These secondary functions are printed on the front panel
below their F/A buttons.
Some flash buttons have hidden
secondary functions
that are activated by holding down the
[function] button and tapping the [ok] button. These secondary functions are not labelled but are
described in the “Diagnostics” section of the “UTILITIES” chapter.
The buttons below the Edit wheel have
secondary functions
in that they are used to answer
either “Yes”, “No” or “OK” to questions that appear on the display when you are performing
certain actions. They are typically used to confirm or abort the action that you have selected.
LSC has a policy of continuous improvement of its products. As the maXim is a computerised
lighting desk, its software is subject to this policy as new features are added and existing features
The software version of your maXim is momentarily displayed on the LED display when the maXim
is switched on. The software can be upgraded from a personal computer and the latest version can
be downloaded from the LSC website. See the “UTILITIES” chapter for details.
All Trademarks referred to in this manual are the registered names of their respective owners.
Whilst every care is taken in the preparation of this manual, LSC takes no responsibility for any
errors or omissions.
The operating software of the maXim and the contents of this manual are copyright of LSC Lighting
Systems Aust © 2001.