Gen VI Dimmer
User Manual
Page 24
If more than one channel is selected, then the lowest channel number will be patched to the selected
DMX slot and the following dimmers will be patched to the sequential DMX slot numbers.
For example, if channels 1, 2, 3 and 10 are selected and DMX slot number 24 is applied the result
will be:
Channel DMX Slot
To patch multiple channels to the same DMX slot patch them one at a time.
When finished patching press
If dimmer channels have been individually patched, then the “DMX Address” home page displays a
table showing the patches. For example:
16 Bit DMX Control
The DMX512-A signal contains the level information for 512 DMX slots (addresses). The level for
each slot is sent in 8 bits of data which gives a maximum resolution of 256 discrete levels between
off and full on. If you require smoother fades, the GEN·VI dimmer can be set to 16bit mode where
each dimmer channel uses 2 DMX slots to control its level. This gives 65536 discrete levels when
fading from off to full. Your lighting controller must also support 16 bit dimmers.
To use 16 bit control, from the “DMX Patch Setup” menu (above) press
Enable 16-Bit
. The status
area at the bottom of both home pages show you when 16 bit DMX control is selected.
See section 7 for more information on DMX.
DMX Loss Memory
The GEN·
VI has a “DMX Loss Memory” that you can program. In the event that the DMX input signal
is lost, channels set to DMX control will hold their last DMX level for a programmable “Delay” time.
The default setting for this time is “Infinite”. If you set a delay time other than “Infinite”, the channels
will fade to the “DMX Loss Memory” when the delay time expires (up to 1 hour). When DMX is
restored, the GEN·VI will fade back (in 1 second) to the DMX signal.
16 bit DMX control
is selected
12 dimmers use
24 DMX slots in
16 bit mode