2.4GHZ F.H.S.S.
Bitte beachten Sie: Nutzen Sie die Return-Function NUR, wenn Sie im
Headless-Mode fliegen. Wenn Sie die Return-Function-Taste drücken, so
fliegt die Gravit zurück in die Himmelsrichtung aus der Sie gekommen ist.
Beispiel: Wenn Sie im headless flying-Mode fliegen und die Gravit in Rich-
tung NORD gezeigt hat als die Orientierung gespeichert wurde, so wird das
Drücken der Return-Function-Taste darin resultieren, dass die Gravit Richtung
SÜDEN fliegt -> Der Quadrocopter fliegt rückwärts.
Toggle LEDs on/off
Press and hold the FLIP/LED-shoulder button for more
than 2 seconds to toggle the 2 blue front LEDs on/off
You can have your Gravit makes flips in all 4 directions.
In order to perform a flip, make sure you have a reasonable flying height (at
least 4 meters). Then press the Flip-button of your TX. You will here a
continuous beeping sound from your TX, indicating that the Gravit is
ready to flip. Finally, move the right control stick into the direction you want
the Gravit to perform the flip and the Gravit will do so. After the flip, you are
in normal flight operation again and you have to press the button again to do
another flip. If you change your mind want to cancel the flip while the TX is
beeping, press the button again. The beep-sound will stop and you are in
normal flight operation again.
The left shoulder button of your transmitters is the POWER UP button. It is
used for cycling the Gravit through the different flight speed options
When you turn on your TX, the Gravit is automatically set to Power-Level 1,
which means that it is flying with only 40% of it maximum power. Power-
Level 1 is perfect for exercising yourself in flying the Gravit and for
flying in cramped areas. The detailed function of the button is as follows:
1x POWER UP push -> TX beeps 2x -> Power-Level 2: 60% of maximum
flight-power is available.
2x POWER UP push -> TX beeps 3x -> Power-Level 3: 100% of maximum
flight-power is available.
When you are in Power-Level 3 and press the POWER UP button one more
time, the Gravit is back to Power-Level 1 again. You will hear a single „beep“
and you are back to 40% flight-power again. Please note: No matter what
Power-Level you have used before switching off the TX, if you switch in back
on again, the Power-Level will be reset to Power-Level 1 (40%).
Headless flying
To activate headless flying, press AND hold the video button on the right side
of the TX‘s LCD for more than 2 seconds. You will hear a slow „“beep-beep-
beep““ and headless mode will be active. When you are in headless mode,
the rear status LED will blink green, the 2 front LEDs will blink blue. To leave
headless mode again, press and hold the Video-button. Youl will here a se-
ries of „“peeps““ again, indicating that your are in normal flight mode again.
How to use „Headless Flying
When you press the „Headless Flying“ -button, the Gravit memorizes its
current orientation (=its facing of the front). As long as you stay in this
mode, the flight direction of the copter will always be based on the memo-
rized orientation when you issue flight controls, no matter what direction the
copter is ACTUALLY facing. Here is an example. Let‘s say that you have
positioned the Gravit in front of you on the ground, facing straight AWAY
from you towards NORTH with its nose. Then you press the „Headless
Flying“ - button. Your Gravit memorizes this heading/orientation as „forward“
(or NORTH) position/heading. Next you take off and rotate the Gravit by
180°, facing towards you (SOUTH) with its front. If you now issue the flight
command „Fly forwards“ by moving your right control stick away (upwards)
from you, the Gravit actually fly AWAY from you (towards its memorized
forward/NORTH position, INSTEAD of flying TOWARDS you (south) as it
would normally when facing you with its front.
-> This means, once you press the „Headless Flying“ -button, the controls
of the Gravit are „locked“ relative to the heading it had when you pressed
the button. If you do not switch your position, moving your control stick right
will always make the Gravit fly right, no matter which orientation the Gravit‘s
front actually has. The same goes for flying left, forward and backward.
Once you press the „Headless Flying“ button again, the controls are back to
normal and movement of your Gravit is dependent on its heading of the front/
nose again.
How „Headless Flying“ should be normally used:
To get the most out of this feature, LRP advises to enable „Headless Flying“
ONLY when the copter is actually facing STRAIGHT AWAY from you with its
FRONT. By doing so, you can easily control the Gravit during flight because
you simply have to push the control sticks into the direction you want the
Gravit to fly, NO MATTER what direction/heading the Gravit‘s front is ACU-
TALLY facing -> Your Gravit will always simply fly into the direction you are
moving your right control stick to. In order to have this feature work as inten-
ded, please also note that you should NOT change your location or heading
when flying in „Headless“ mode. Otherwise, you will become disoriented
with the controls and the feature does not make sense anymore.
Please note: You may enable or disable „Headless Flying“ anytime, no matter
whether you are flying or on the ground. For best operation and results, we
advise NOT to enable the function while the Gravit is moving in the air, but
while the Gravit is still on the ground.
To activate the Return function, press AND hold the photo-button on the
upper, right side of the LCD for 2 or more seconds. The TX will emitt a quick
series of „“beeps““, indicating that you are in Return-mode. To cancel the
Return-function, simply move one of the TX‘s control sticks.
Please note: Use the Return-Function ONLY when you are flying in „headless“
mode. When pressing the Return-Function-button, the Gravit will fly back in
the cardinal direction which it came from. For example, if you are flying in
headless mode and your Gravit has been facing north when the heading was
memorized, pressing the Return-Function-button will result in the Gravit
flying south -> The quadrocopter is flying backwards.
Allumer/éteindre les LEDs
Appuyez et maintenez enfoncé le commutateur FLIP/LED
plus de 2 secondes, puis allumez les 2 LED bleues à l‘avant, éteignez-les
Votre Gravit peut faire des loopings dans 4 directions.
Pour faire un looping, assurez-vous de disposer d‘un espace suffisant (au
moins 4m de hauteur). Puis, pressez le bouton Flip de votre radiocommande.
Vous entendrez un signal lent et répétitif de votre radiocommande. Cela si-
gnifie que votre Gravit est prêt à effectuer un looping. Enfin, déplacez le levier
de contrôle droit dans la direction dans laquelle vous souhaitez effectuer le
looping. Le Gravit exécute le looping. Après le looping vous êtes à nouveau
en mode de vol normal et vous pouvez pressez le bouton looping pour en
exécuter un autre. Si vous changez d‘avis et que vous souhaitez annuler le
looping alors que la radiocommande est déjà en train d‘émettre le signal
sonore, pressez le bouton une seconde fois. Le signal sonore s‘arrêtera et
vous serez de retour en mode de vol normal.