LRP electronic GmbH
Hanfwiesenstraße 15
73614 Schorndorf
HA00100 © LRP electronic GmbH 2017
BEST-NR. 220715
case, please check the chapter „More than one pilot“ below.
When you want to use the monitor, make sure it is firmly attached to the TX mount, that
the Lipo is fully charged, the sun-screen is unfolded and the antenna is folded up.
Optimizing the antenna‘s reception
You can rotate the antenna by 360 degrees and you can also fold it at two different angles.
For your first flight, please unfold the antenna completely, so that it is straight. During
your flight, in case you should experience problems with the range or the quality of the
video signal, you can try to adjust the antenna by bringing it to different angles and poin-
ting it into different directions. This will help to maximize your range.
Ex works, the ALL cameras and ALL LCD-monitors will transmit and receive at the SAME
frequency. As long as you are flying alone, this is fine and no problem.
But what happens if some friends of yours have bought their Gravit Xtremes as well and
now want to race with and against you? Don‘t worry, the frequency of BOTH the camera
AND the antenna can be switched between 6 different channels. This means that up to 6
pilots can operate their Xtremes at the same time without interfering with each other. So
how is a channel switch done?
Please have a look at the picture below. The graph shows the 3 DIP-switches which you
will find right in the middle of the backside of your LCD-monitor. Those little switches
(which are best operated with a tiny flat screw-driver) can be set to different combina-
tions, each of them resulting in a different receiver channel. As you can see, ex works the
DIP switches are set to CH1. By adjusting the DIP switch pattern differently (refer to the
picture), you can set the channel of the receiver to CH2 to 6 as well.
Once a channel is selected by the DIP-switch position, the LCD-monitor will continue to
receive on this one channel, until you switch it to a different channel.
Next, please have a look at you camera. Your camera does NOT have any DIP-switches,
but it has a small white button on the left bottom side of its housing, towards the front of
the camera (see photo).
Ex works, the camera is set to transmit on CH1. If you take a small tool and press the
camera button once, you will hear/feel a klick and the camera switches to the next chan-
nel, which is CH2. Every further press on the little button will make the camera switch to
the next higher channel.
If CH6 is reached and you press the button once again, it will be at CH1 again, and so on
and so forth.
Contrary to the channel selection of the LCD-receiver, the channel selection
of the camera is NOT! permanent. Which means, if you set the camera to let‘s say CH3
and power-cycle it, it default back to CH1.
This means that you have to set the appropriate channel each time you turn your Gravit
on. But since this is done easily with only a few clicks on the cameras channel-button,
this is no problem.
Here is an example of how to proceed when you want to fly with 2 friends (so we have
3 pilots altogether):
- You are pilot A, your friends are the pilots B and C
- All pilots make their Xtremes ready to run. Do NOT yet turn on your LCD-receivers
- Pilot B sets his LCD-monitor to CH2, pilot C to CH3 (look at graph for DIP-switch settings)
- No all pilots can turn on their LCD-monitors as well
- Since all Xtreme-cameras are transmitting at CH1 at the moment, only pilot A will
receive a video image (since his LCD-monitor is set to the default channel CH1)
- Pilot A will most likely NOT receive a clear image, because 3 different Xtremes are sen-
ding their image at CH1 at the moment. This results in a distorted image.
- Pilots B and C should not receive any image, since none of the Xtremes is sending on
CH2 or 3 at the moment
- Now Pilot B presses the channel-button on his camera ONCE, which should switch his
camera from CH1 to CH2
- Pilot C presses the channel-button on his camera TWICE, which should switch his came-
ra from CH1 to CH3
- Now all 3 pilots use the channels corresponding with the reception channel of their
LCD-monitor and ALL 3 pilots should now receive the video transmission of their
Xtreme (and ONLY of their extreme).
- IN CASE that one or more of the three pilots receive any „ghost-images“ from any of the
other pilots, you can try the following -> Let pilot B use CH3 instead of 2, and let pilot
C use CH5 instead of CH3
-> By doing this, the 3 pilots are using channels which are „further away“ from each
other. So the risk of receiving a ghost image from another Xtreme camera is lower.
Now all 3 pilots should be ready to go. Let the battle begin!
It is very important that your propellers are always undamaged and perfectly intact befo-
re you take off with your Gravit. Otherwise, the performance will not be as expected and
damaged propellers may also lead to a crash and further damage. So please make sure
your propellers are ALWAYS perfectly intact.
Sooner or later, you will have to replace one or more of your propellers. If you do this
please make sure to do it like described below.
The correct propeller placement is as shown in the picture below:
Left front -> CW-propeller
Right front -> CCW-propeller
Left rear -> CCW-propeller
Right rear -> CW-Propeller
Make sure that you always replace a propeller with a new propeller of the same orienta-
tion (CW/CCW)
- To replace the propeller, you will first have to unscrew the propeller nut. Do so by
putting an appropriate metal tool (like a small hex-wrench) through the hole of the
propeller nut.
- Then loosen the propeller by rotating it into THE SAME DIRECTION like the arrows on
the propeller are showing.
- Replace the propeller, then tighten the propeller nut again. To do so, rotate the propeller
nut into the OPPOSITE DIRECTION of the arrows on the propellers.
- Tighten down the propeller nut FIRMLY, but NOT with excessive force. Otherwise the
motorshaft and/or the nut could be damaged.
PLEASE NOTE: When you look on the motors, you will see that they also bear an engra-
ving saying either „CW“ or „CCW“.
This engraving is NOT! the rotation direction of the MOTORS, but the orientation of the
1 2 3
1 2 3
1 2 3
1 2 3
1 2 3
1 2 3
Frequency (GHz)
Propeller CW
Propeller CW
Propeller CCW
Propeller CCW