Operation Manual Network Camera logiware IPC1901A
Step 3
Click “Draw Rule” to draw tripwire in the monitoring scene, click the right mouse button to
complete tripwire setting.
Step 4
Click “Draw Target” to draw the size model of filtered target in the video image.
Step 5
It is to set the parameters of tripwire, please refer to the following sheet for more details.
Working Period
It is to set the alarm period, it can enable alarm event only during the period
range which has been set.
Click “Setup” and the system will pop out the interface of “Working
2. It is to set working period according to the following methods:
You can input time numerical value or press the left mouse button to
drag on the setup interface to set.
There are six periods to be set every day, select the check box in front
of the period, and then the period is valid.
Select week number (it selects Sunday by default, if it selects the whole
week, then it means the setup can be applied to the whole week, you
can also select the check box in front of the week number to implement
independent setting for some days).
Click “Save” to complete the setup of working period.
It is to set the direction of tripwire, you can select A->B
Check it and so when alarm occurs, system will auto record.
Record Delay
System can delay the record for specified time after alarm ended.
Send Email
If you enabled this function, System can send out email to alert you when
alarm occurs and ends. User can set email address in Network>SMTP.
Select “Snapshot” and the system will auto trigger alarm and snapshot
when alarm occurs.
Step 5
Click “Save” to complete the setup of tripwire.