Error situations
Not a supervisor
• Person with the “User” access rights cannot force the error cases on the reader. “Administrator”,
“Supervisor” and “Forcing user” have the forcing rights to handle the error cases.
One-off activity already executed
• Item has already been registered into the LM DTS
Scan item through the next available activity in process flow. Check from the process or reader’s info
screen which is the next allowed activity in the process cycle.
Repeating of activity not allowed
• You cannot scan twice in a row through the selected activity.
Check from the process or reader’s info screen which is the next allowed activity in the process cycle.
Sterile expired
• Instrument or container sterile period has expired.
Perform the sterile activity to sterile articles. You can check from the server or reader’s info screen when
the sterility has expired.
Unknown item (not registered)
• Article(s) tag ids are not added to the LM DTS
After the articles has been added to the LM DTS
from the server UI then scan through the register
User not allowed to check out more articles
User needs to check in or deactivate articles. Admin can also unblock/edit blockage of user and after
that check out is again possible for user.
Wrong user check in
• Same person needs to check in / check out articles if option is defined to process.
• You can check from the reader’s info screen which articles caused the error.
In case of the following errors the “Force” button is disabled and the errors cannot be forced.
Forbidden activity
• Forbidden activity for the article. Activity does not belong to the process of the scanned article.
Redefine set - ? No set found, cannot redefine set
• Use LM DTS
Server to add at least one tag id manually into the article set.