The two operation methods in the above figure can be used for manual movement of X
and Y axis.
Media positioning
The equipment provides origin orientation function and automatic detection function. You
may set these functions in the dialog box “system setting-origin setting”. You can also open
the dialog box “origin setting” by clicking the icon in LiyuPrint main interface.
Origin orientation
Origin orientation function can locate the printing media position according to the
coordinate of X axis, thus realizing accurate positioning printing. The coordinate origin
is the original 0 point, that is to say, the carriage stops at the right-most position
of X axis. however, we usually don’t start printing from the original 0 point. Therefore,
this value can’t achieve precise and intuitive positioning. instead, certain test and
calculation shall be needed for the accurate positioning. You may realize the function by
setting the parameters in the following red frame: