Meter system Components
Printers print delivery tickets to provide a physical record
of custody transfers. The Epson slip printer is considered
the industry standard for many applications. Multi-
layered tickets are available to provide a physical record
for both customers and business records. The Epson roll
printer is ideal for recording multiple custody transfers
over an extended time frame.
Pulse ouTPuT devICe
The Liquid Controls Pulse Output Device (POD pulser)
converts the rotary motion of a positive displacement
flowmeter into electronic pulses. POD pulsers can be
used in place of an internal pulser. They are ideal for
applications that require explosion proof components in
which the LectroCount LCR 600 register is installed at a
distance from the meter. The POD pulser requires hard
wired data communication with the LectroCount LCR
600. See manual EM300-10.
DifferenTiAl Pressure (∆P) TrAnsDuCer
The differential pressure transducer, common in
aviation applications, monitors the differential pressure
(pressure drop) across a full flow fuel monitor/water
coalescer. The highest differential pressure reached
during the custody transfer will then be printed on the
ticket. Using interlocks, the LectroCount LCR 600 can
shut down a custody transfer if the differential pressure
meets a preprogrammed differential pressure shutdown
value. The ∆P Transducer requires hard wired data
communication with the LectroCount LCR 600. See
manual EM300-40.
daTa ManaGeMenT sysTeMs
The DMS is an in-cab computer with a heavy duty lap
pad interface. The DMS streamlines the flow of data
between the LCR 600 and back office accounting
software. The DMS must be hard wired to the
LectroCount LCR 600. See manuals EM200-10 and
EZCommand is Windows
-based interface that saves
and distributes LectroCount LCR 600 settings and
updates. EZCommand can be loaded onto a laptop.
Using a lap pad adapter (PN 81514) and a printer
extension cable (PN 71815), the lap top can be quickly
connected to upload settings and updates in the field.
A flash cable (PN 81885), a data cable with a terminal
block (J3) on one side and a 9-pin connector for your
PC, can also make the connection but requires opening
the LCR 600.
InsTallaTIon overvIeW
Installation overview
If the LectroCount LCR 600 was ordered as part of a meter system, it will arrive mounted on the meter and prewired
to the ETVC probe, air eliminator, and valve.
Installation overview for lCr 600 ordered with meter system:
1. Ground truck seat cushion. Page 12
2. Install meter system onto truck or fixed installation. Refer to meter manual.
3. Run the LCR 600’s data and power cable to truck cab or power supply. Page 17
4. Connect any additional components to the LCR 600’s CPU board.
5. Mount printer and connect printer data cable. Page 27
6. Connect the LCR 600 and the printer to power supply. Page 29
7. Setup and calibrate the LCR 600. Refer to manual EM150-11.
If you are replacing an existing register, you must mount the register onto the meter and make the proper connections
to all of the components.
Installation overview for lCr 600 ordered without meter system:
1. Ground truck seat cushion. Page 12
2. Mount the LCR 600 to the meter. Page 14
3. Run the LCR 600’s data and power cable to truck cab or power supply. Page 17
4. Connect all components to the LCR 600’s CPU board.
5. Mount printer and connect printer data cable. Page 27
6. Connect the LCR 600 and the printer to power supply. Page 29
7. Setup and calibrate the LCR 600. Refer to manual EM150-11.
Before installation, check your shipment against the
packing list and ensure that no parts are missing. The
packing list is inside the red information packet along with
the Installation and Operation Manuals.
Check Each Shipment
Specific installation requirements will vary with the model of the truck, the
physical layout of a fixed installation, the configuration of any existing metering
equipment, the options selected, and the type of fluid being metered
Installation Requirements Vary
This manual explains and details the mechanical installation of the
LectroCount LCR 600 and the temperature probe as well as the electrical and
data installation of all components that connect to the LCR 600. For additional
installation information, refer to the manuals of the other components. All
manuals are available at www.lcmeter.com.
This Manual Includes
Epson Slip Printer
Epson Roll Printer
POD Pulser
∆P Transducer
EZCommand, Cable, and Adapter