Neptune Adapter
Neptune Coupling
Brooks Adapter
Smith Adapter
LCR 600 with LPG
Meter System
leCTroCounT lCr 600 MounTInG
Mounting overview
Typically, the LectroCount LCR 600 is mounted directly
onto a flow meter; however, some fixed installations
require the register be mounted away from the meter.
If the meter is equipped with an external POD pulser,
the LCR 600 can be mounted up to 1000 wire feet (304
meters) away from the meter (actual distance depends
on pulser specifications and wire type).
Adapters are available for other PD meters such as
Neptune (PNs 81364, 82641, 82642), FMC Smith (PN
81370), and Brooks/Brodie (PN 81800) meters. Each kit
includes installation instructions.
Tips for mounting an lCr 600:
• Leave the cover assembly fastened to the base to protect
the internal components.
Make sure the vertical drive shaft from the meter is
attached to the pulser drive shafts.
• Before securing the LCR 600 to the meter or mounting
bracket, make sure the counter is visible and the keypad
and selector switch can be easily operated.
relieving Internal Pressure
All internal pressure must be relieved to zero pressure before disassembly or inspection of the strainer, vapor eliminator, any
valves in the system, the packing gland, and the front or rear covers.
relieving Internal Pressure Procedure for lPG and nh
6. Slowly crack the fitting on top of the differential valve to
relieve product pressure in the system. Product will drain
from the meter system.
7. As product is bleeding from the differential valve, slowly
reopen and close the valve/nozzle on the discharge line.
Repeat this step until the product stops draining from the
differential valve and discharge line valve/nozzle.
8. Leave the discharge line valve/nozzle open while working
on the system.
1. Close the belly valve of the supply tank.
2. Close the valve on the vapor return line.
3. Close the manual valve in the supply line on the inlet
side of the meter. If no manual valve exists on the inlet
side, consult the truck manufacturer for procedures to
depressurize the system.
4. Slowly open the valve/nozzle at the end of the supply
5. After product has bled off, close the valve/nozzle at the
end of the supply line.
Serious injury or death from fire or explosion could result in performing maintenance on an
improperly depressurized and evacuated system.
leCTroCounT lCr 600 MounTInG
LCR 600 Bolt Pattern
LC Meter Compensated
LC Meter
Mounting bolt Pattern
The LectroCount LCR 600 base casting contains eight
bolt holes in an industry standard bolt pattern. The holes
are ½" deep and take ¼"-20 screws.
If the installation necessitates that you fabricate a
bracket, refer to the drawing to the right.
lC Meters
remove existing registration equipment
1. Depressurize the meter completely.
See Warning on pg.
2. Remove the four bolts on the bottom that fasten the
register to the meter.
3. Remove the adjuster from the meter.
4. If the meter has a Temperature Volume Compensator
(TVC), remove it as well.
Mount the lectroCount lCr 600
1. Place the end of the shaft adapter on the pulser drive
shaft located on the bottom of the register.
2. Place the cotter pin through the hole, and bend open the
ends of the cotter pin.
3. Lower the register onto the meter, and insert the shaft
adapter onto the hex shaft on the meter.
4. Securely bolt down the register.
Apply anti-seize to all bolt threads to ensure
easy removal at a later date.
Apply Anti-seize