Linksys ATA Administration Guide
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Set Local Date (mm/dd) Sets the local date (mm stands for months and dd stands for days). The year
is optional and uses two or four digits.
Set Local Time (HH/mm) Sets the local time (hh stands for hours and mm stands for minutes). Seconds
are optional.
Time Zone
Selects the number of hours to add to GMT to generate the local time for
caller ID generation. Choices are GMT-12:00, GMT-11:00,…, GMT, GMT+01:00,
GMT+02:00, …, GMT+13:00.
The default is
FXS Port Impedance
Sets the electrical impedance of the FXS port. Choices are
, or
The default is
Daylight Saving Time
Enter the rule for calculating daylight saving time; it should include the start,
end, and save values. This rule is comprised of three fields. Each field is
separated by ; (a semicolon) as shown below. Optional values inside [ ] (the
brackets) are assumed to be 0 if they are not specified. Midnight is
represented by 0:0:0 of the given date.
SYNTAX: Start = <start-time>; end=<end-time>; save = <save-time>.
The <start-time> and <end-time> values specify the start and end dates and
times of daylight saving time. Each value is in this format: <month> /<day> /
The <save-time> value is the number of hours, minutes, and/or seconds to
add to the current time during daylight saving time. The <save-time> value
can be preceded by a negative (-) sign if subtraction is desired instead of
addition. The <save-time> value is in this format: [/[+|-]HH:[mm[:ss]]]
The <month> value equals any value in the range 1-12 (January-December).
The <day> value equals [+|-] any value in the range 1-31.
If <day> is 1, it means the <weekday> on or before the end of the month (in
other words the last occurrence of < weekday> in that month).
The <weekday> value equals any value in the range 1-7 (Monday-Sunday). It
can also equal 0. If the <weekday> value is 0, this means that the date to start
or end daylight saving is exactly the date given. In that case, the <day> value
must not be negative. If the <weekday> value is not 0 and the <day> value is
positive, then daylight saving starts or ends on the <weekday> value on or
after the date given. If the <weekday> value is not 0 and the <day> value is
negative, then daylight saving starts or ends on the <weekday> value on or
before the date given.
The abbreviation HH stands for hours (0-23).
The abbreviation mm stands for minutes (0-59).
The abbreviation ss stands for seconds (0-59).
The default Daylight Saving Time Rule is
Daylight Saving Time
Daylight Saving Time can be turned on or off. This option affects the time
stamp on CallerID and affects all the lines and extensions of the phone.
Default is