iGrow 1800 Installation Guide
Link4 (714) 524-0004
You would use the Srise option for the setpoint that you program at the beginning of the day. Similarly, you
would use the Sset option for the end of the day setpoint. The adjustment will be made each midnight and so
everyday you will see a change in the “Start Time”.
Ramp Time
The ramp time enables a smooth transition of the target temperatures between the time periods. If the ramp
time is set to 0 there will be an immediate step transition in the set points from the previous from the current
setpoint to the following time period. If the ramp time is not zero, the ramping begins at the end of the time
period (see Fig 2.1 for reference).
Heat and Cool Setpoints
The third line is where you enter the heat and the cool setpoints, that is, the low temperature and the high
temperature targets.
Humidity Setpoints
The humidity range is shown on the fourth line. If the humidity is below the lower value, you enter the
humidification stage. If humidity is above the higher number you go into the dehumidification stage.
Advanced Setpoints
Setpoints Advanced
Program Equipment
Stage Overrides
Equipment Overrides
Smart Cool Settings
Setpoint Alarms
Auxiliary Controls
Expansion Settings
Heat Demand
Cool Demand
Influence Factor
Drive to Average
Heat/Cool Setpoint Influence Factors
The influence factor is a feature designed to enable a sensor, typically outdoor temperature or light, to
automatically do an adjustment of the cool temperature or heat temperature setpoint. For example, if the
outdoor temperature falls below x ºF, you may want to boost the heat temp setpoint by y degrees.