If for any reason you do not understand the test procedures or are unable to perform the tests/repairs safely, contact your
Local Lincoln Authorized Field Service Facility
for technical troubleshooting assistance before you proceed.
Observe all Safety Guidelines detailed throughout this manual
Engine will not go to high idle when using
auxiliary power.
Engine will not go to high idle under weld
or auxiliary loading.
Engine does not develop full power.
Engine runs rough.
Engine will not go to high idle when
attempting to weld or using auxiliary
power. Switching to manual high idle does
not work.
Engine will not shut off.
1. Auxiliary power load is less than 100
watts. Idler may not respond with less than
a 100 watt load. Set idler to "High".
2. Faulty PC board.(Control or Idler).
1. Faulty idler solenoid. Check for bent
linkage or broken spring.
2. Faulty PC board.(Control or Idler).
1. Fuel filter clogged, Replace.
2. Air filter clogged, clean or replace.
3. High idle setting incorrect, check and
adjust if required.
4. Valves out of adjustment.
5. Fuel contaminated with water or sedi-
ment. Check fuel pre-filter and empty of
water, bleed fuel system. Replace fuel in
tank if needed.
1. Broken spring on Idle Solenoid, solenoid
linkage binding, low idle speed set too
low on idle solenoid.
2. Faulty PC Board (Control or Idler).
1. Fuel Shutdown solenoid not functioning
properly / linkage binding. Stop engine
by shutting off valve located on main
fuel filter. Contact authorized local
Engine Service Shop.
If all recommended possible areas of mis-
adjustment have been checked and the
problem persists,
Contact your local
Lincoln Authorized Field Service Facility.