STOP : Stop the auto mode.
OFF : NO action.
AUTO : Perform auto scan mode.
SEQ. : Perform preset group mode.
TOUR : Perform tour list mode.
1. Once scheduled start time arrived, all set auto mode will automatically start.
2. While it is in auto mode under scheduled duration and the power restart, the scheduled auto mode will
not continue in auto mode until the scheduled start time.
3. When the schedule start during STOP mode duration, if SELF RETURN is set and SELF RETURN TIME
arrives, panorama camera will start SELF RETURN mode first until next scheduled auto mode duration
arrive, then it will start auto mode.
Example: 1. 12:00, perform SEQ. Mode.
2. 13:00, STOP (If “self return mode” is home, “home
position setting” is 1, and “self return time” is 10 min,
camera will be performed “self return mode” function
and recall preset position 1 by 13:10.)
3. 20:00, perform TOUR mode.
4. 09:00, STOP (perform “self return mode” at 09:10)
1. 12 : 00
2. 13 : 00
3. 20 : 00
4. 09 : 00